Made these cupcakes for welcoming all the kids on their school holiday which is starting today and also making some for Letys and Tata –I know I know.. I am a nice mother 😉 – ,even though the kids will “off course” drive me crazy during the school holiday, but like ussual I always have my sanity intact afterall… He he he
This is the second time I have made chocolate cupcakes.The first time were perfect as well but since I had the accident on my finger click here , So I lost the passion 🙁
Ya begitu deh critanya.. tapi resep cupcakes yg gw punya ini top bgt deh bener2 buku cupcakes yang gw recommend buat siapa ajah yg pinginnnnnn bgt bikin cupcakes.
My favourite books and my Chocolate cupcakes

LD’s chocolate cupcake