Profiterole tonight

Terinspirasi dari abis jemur baju di belakang.. kebetulan tetangga kita org vietnam kira2 menjelang lunch time.. wangi harum oseng2 bawang putih campur terasi dan fish sauce.. buset nyium baunya ajah gw laper ampe perut kriuk2.. so.. abis selese jemur baju gw tancep gas deh ke ballajura city beli buncis dll nya buat projek masak ni hari..

Resep buncis ini gw dapet dari ngobrol bareng ibu Adri he he he ktnya dia masak buncis di deep fried trus di oseng2 pake bawang putih ama fish sauce enak lohhh li..itu ktnya.. so gw pikir hm… gw tambahin ajah deh belacan ama udang dan tahu plus cabe.. tokcer.. hasilnya sangat memuaskan… (sampe nambah berkali2 gw)

nasi_buncis belacan.jpg
Sengaja gw foto pake nasi biar ngeliat nya lahap..

Bihun goreng pake krupuk (our dinner)

So alhasil ini lagh hasil masak gw today..di tambah karena gw mum yg super baekkkk I thought I made Cameron dream come true tonight he he he He loves I made the kids profiteroles tonight, some with chocolate topping for Jamie’s request as well. All of the profiteroles has custard inside.

Cameron and Thomas waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting patiently huahahahahhah 😀

Custard profiteroles

Lia Della’s Profiteroles 😛

Cameron with his second profiterole..(“eat the top first mum then the custard then the bottom then the strawberry and another one please mum???”) 😛

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