Teddy Cupcake

Sunday Night..

TC will have their “Teddy Bear Class Picnic” tomorrow morning, and we will provide cupcakes πŸ™‚ what else? I made the theme with Tiny Teddy and a banner “TA 24 Teddy bear Picnic” and decorated with some sugar candied. We think its cute and very easy to make, I have baked 25 cupcakes for TC’s class picnic and 10 for us, undecorated.

I decorated 3 cupcakes for my husband though haha.. its “Teddy and Heart Cupcake”. Its so cute for valentine which we don’t bloody celebrate hehehe.. I do celebrate everything πŸ˜€ as long as makes me happy.. after all I am a women πŸ™‚

I do celebrate all kind of crap anyway eg: First month wedding anniversary or whatever I want to call it haha… (see what Stu have to put up with???) “A very thoughtful wife”. πŸ™‚

…Cupcake for my sayang… for Happy Monday Morning

On Saturday dinner,

I especially made this dish”Ayam Bakar Bumbu Rujak” (its time consuming but worth it, Its Grilled Chicken but been cooked with some spices until tender before you grilled it, I made some for my self,my husband and my twin boys.

Stu said: ENAKKKK BANGEDDD!!! hahaha

Due to my step kids don’t eat chilli, I marinated some chicken especially for them, well actually they grilled chicken way to easy to make, they loved it too. πŸ™‚ I decorated the plate with vegetables for them hahaha to encourage them to eat more vegetables, and Jamie ate all his dinner.. Emily only eat the lettuce and the beans,Tom ate all his dinner as well and Cameron ate his dinner too with extra tofu..and ABC sauce (its sweet soy sauce) πŸ™‚ he is so Indo.

Jamie and Emily “Grilled Chicken” with lettuce,tomato and steamed beans.

Our Favourite Dish of the week:

Spaghetti with Anchovy and Rocket salad yup..I made this pasta again.. coz its taste soooooooo good.. I can eat this dish 2 times a week maybe.. its just so quick,healty and easy to make, the anchovy taste so saltyyy.. and the chilli taste so good and with bit of lemon and topped of parmesan cheese and extra virgin oil..gosh.. delicious.. in fact my mouth watering while I’m writing this πŸ˜€

My favourite stir fried spaghetti by Jamie Oliver

No matter how much they don’t like each other or annoys each others sometimes, they always company each other and protect each other some nights when they have nightmares, usually Tom end-up in Cam’s bed, even though Cam’s the one who have a nightmare πŸ™‚
Love you both lots
xx Mum.

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More Pasta

Last night I made 2 pasta dishes, Fettucini Carbonara with Chicken,Bacon and Ham and Penne with Spicy Tuna (I mean really really spicy) πŸ™‚ .

I made this carbonarra before,but the photograph did not turn as good as this one πŸ™‚ so I am happy with the result.

Oh the weather been so good lately.. I have been gardening with TC on the weekend, we pulled out some weeds together and also we went out to the shop spending on craps. πŸ™‚ I love my Twinny.. (sometimes I still call them ba as “bubba” haha) πŸ™‚ I just like to call them ba ,and for them ba means “them” so when I need one of them (doesn’t matter who) so all I have to say “Ba” and one of them will come hahaha.. and yeah when I need someone turn the heater off, “can u turn the heater off ba?” and one of them will haha πŸ˜€

Rambut gue harus di bonding lagi nih, bagian yg kmrn di bonding masih teteb lurus bagus, yang bagian akar ke bawah sejengkal duh jgn di tanya deh dah dangdut bgt.. mo bonding disini mahal nya bo… mending ntr tanggung ke indo ajah de, tapi kapannnnn pula ke indonya? hehe.. maunya sih soon.. bareng si Twins.

Emang sih Stu n aku dah rencana mo ke indo tapi maybe tahun depan.. sekalian ke singapur ama KL (mau nya siy) pas di sing mo ajak Vika ama Tala.. duh enak kali ya kita tamasya ke sing? Vika sih ajakin date ke Bali tapi kyknya gue pingin ke sing ajah deh.. well liat sikon juga deh kalo dah duit lebih mungkin kalo enggak ya terpaksa tamasya di backyard ajah.

Served with ground black pepper and chopped spring onion

I made this Penne really really spicy, its just perfect. Stu can’t stand it though haha πŸ˜€
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Masakan Seminggu

Nga terasa udah mo wiken lagi, cepet banget waktu berlalu, anehnya kalo kita nga ada hajatan rasanya cepet banget deh jalannya ni waktu ,giliran kita ada hajatan lamaaaaaaaaaa bgt jalannya seperti menunggu 8 bulan menjelang pernikahan gue n Stu kemaren itu.. buset tuh 8 bulan jalan seperti siput.. tapi akhirnya nikah juga siy.

Bulan depan di ajak Ari ke pesta Galungan-hari raya org Bali di Jandakoot ya Ri? pingin juga sih dateng, sekalian sosialisasi gitu, mumpung ada yg gue kenal also ntr ktnya ada tari2 Bali nya juga plus makan2, satu famiy bayar 15 dol (kalo kita ber 6 teteb nga tuh Ri 15 dol? hahah? ) gile kalo familynya 10 org gimana tuh? hahaha πŸ˜€

I have been cooking all week.. proper food, with free range eggs hahah.. (Influences by Mr.Oliver di TV abis kata doi beli free range ajah soalnya better for your health walopun harga bisa 3 kali lipat bo!!) tapi emangggg sih rasanya beda plus warnanya kuning telornya juga beda, mungkin kalo ayam free range lebih hepi bisa joget2 makanya itupun kenapa kalo bikin kue harus hepi kaya ayam free range biar kuenya kaga bantet hahahah.. (damn u bolu kukus.. I was happy when gue bikin bolu kukus tapi kenapa pula bolkus gue pada bantet?? kata gossip2 internet org2 suka kena kutukan bolu kukus) well kata Stu dasar org indo percaya bgt ama gitu2an hahaha..

Anyway.. iya nih dari hari senin kemaren ampe hari ini gue masak terus.. walopun kita disini masak palinggg banter plus rajin ya 2-3 dishes a day but 1 dish a day ajah mnrt gue dah bagus deh not only save money on freakin junk foods but also home made food always taste better and healtier. (I think everyone agreed..:) )

Some dishes I have made just usual like Spicy Tuna, Indonesian Teriyaki Chicken,*new* Aromatic Beef with almond flakes,Nasi Goreng,Cottage Pie,Chicken satay. Also I made some Profiteroles with custard, Apple Cinnamon Muffins,*new* Chai Green Tea Latte for this week desserts.

Sprinkle with tossed almond flakes,vietnamese mint and coriander leaves.

Dust the muffin with vanilla sugar (beli udah jadi di woolish) hm hm.. tambah deh enak.. makan anget2 ama minum kopi or teh.

I enjoy being a house wife at the moment πŸ™‚ even though I am addicted to some TV series hahaha.. but I looking after husband and the twins very well :).

Oh speaking of the twins,kadang kalo liat2 mereka gue pikir duh anak2 gue dah gede bgt ya.. udah mo 8 tahun, nggak terasa aja 8 thn yg lalu gue sibuknya ampe mati2an.. dari pagi sampe malem nga abis2nya.. tapi sekarang seperti melihat pohon yg kita tumbuh jadi gede hahaha trus bagus lagi enak ajah liatnya apalagi mereka cowo gitu…mikir ntr kalo gede pas teenager moga2 nga nakal deh.. (amin) trus mikir ntr dah gede masih mau nga ya gue peluk2 hahaha makanya setiap hari gue peluk2in deh gue liatin abis kadang kangen juga ama waktu2 mereka kecil, lucunya kalo mereka lagi main bedua ya ampunn.. ni anak siapa ya.. kok cakep2?? hahahha

*gue akhir2 ini mimpi tentang seseorang di jaman SMA aneh juga kenapa gue mimpiin dia ya walopun mimpinya nga ber inti jadi nga ada critanya gitu cuma dalam mimpi ada dia ajah and kita ngobrol2, aneh padahal gue udah nga kontak2 dia lagi*


Chai Latte is spiced tea mixed with milk that’s steamed from a coffee machine. Its one of my sister and I favourite drink during our Gangan Time πŸ˜€

The story behind the chai latte:
One day Put got home and made her hot drink, I looked at it and I said “euww.. what is that?” smell weird but sweet,she let me tried it and hm… taste so good! then I found out home made chai is so easy to make and taste so fresh than the packet ones.

This is so gooddd.. better than we normally drink ka’! -putri-
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Chinese Pork Wonton soup

Wonton Soup

My sister asked me to make Wonton Soup, wonton soup is not one of my favourite dish, but I don’t mind every now and then. This time I am using pork mince for the wonton, last time I made it I was using prawn and pork mince.

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Masuk sekolah lagi

Hari ini TC masuk sekolah lagi dan gue bangun pagi lagi hehe , Pagi2 dah bangun siapin anak2 buat sekolah dari sarapan sampai bekal makan siangnya, Cam agak2 sedih, katanya “I want to be with you mummy” gue dengan hati luluh tapi pasang muka cuek bebek karena kalo enggak bisa2 dia nangis.. heheh gue bilang ajah ntr mummy kan jemput .. ntr pulang sekolah makan spring rolls lagi ya? (ember gue bikin 50 biji semalem) buat persiapan ajah kalo lagi ada yg dateng tiba2 heheh tinggal di deep fry , gue suka bikin banyak and gue froze-in, teteb enak kok jadinya.. kali ini gue bikin Spring Roll isi ayam dan sayuran.

Jangan di tanya berapa pada makan kemaren.. 20 biji ada kali antara kita ber 5 ( Tom,Cam,Stu,Put and gue) untungnya gue juga bikin satu macem lauk, Perkedel Tahu Ayam gue pake saos kacang. rasanya kaya tahu telor, enak juga dimakan sama fresh salad.

Perkedel Tahu Ayam

Satu lagi kemaren pas lagi suntuk nga tau mo masak apa, ala kadar makan nya karena ada garlic bread, so gue pikir bikin stir fry spaghetti yang paling gampang ajah deh .. so jadi deh, spaghetti di oseng2 pake garlic dan telor dan peas ,ya seperti biasa tabur2 in black pepper,keju dan extra virgin bo olive oil hehehe! jadi deh si Spaghetti with Egg and Peas trus di makan deh ama garlic breadnya (beli dr woolish) πŸ˜›

Akhir crita .. hari ini dateng juga paket bulan-an gue haha setelah telat hampir 2 minggu gue worried bgt gue pikir waduh TC mo tambah ade lagi… (jgn deh.. gue malesssssss) hahaha… Thank God.. I am so verryyyyy happyyyyy.. Go PP!!

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Gulai Masin



I will put the recipe here, coz I am so happy with the result, my Husband said it was good,my sister said it was yummy,but my twin boys said “what is that mum?” he he he

This is one of  our favourite dish

I can say, my husband and I love this dish so much, especially when you eat it with fresh steam jasmine rice , I bet you will come for more and more..

Gue disini pake tambahan daun coriander dan basil juga irisan cabe hijau dan tomat, buat variasi gitu loh, kalo mo di coba silakan, ini resepnya..

1 kg ikan tengiri /spanish mackarell
air jeruk lime secukupnya
tepung beras secukupnya
500ml santan kental
garam dan lada

Bumbu blender:
1 buah spanish onion
5 buah bawang putih
1 sendok teh kunyit bubuk
3 cm jahe
3 butir kemiri

Bumbu lainnya:
3 buah bawang merah kecil,iris
3 buah cabe merah,iris
3 buah cabe ijo ,iris (sisihkan 1 sendok makan buat rampai)
2 buah sere,memarkan
1 lembar daun kunyit
3 buah daun jeruk
1 sendok makan asem paste/3 buah asam kandis
1 mangkok daun coriander dan daun basil (sisihkan 1 sendok makan buat rampai)

2 tomat,iris
1 gengam basil dan coriander leaves
1 sendok makan cabe ijo iris

Cara membuat:

Ikan di lumuri lime, diamkan 15 menit, lalu di balut dengan tepung beras, masak di minyak panas sampai kecoklatan, angkat sisihkan.

Tumis bumbu blender dan bumbu iris,sere,daun kunyit,daun jeruk sampai wangi, masukan santan, masak sampai mendidih, masukan ikan yang sudah di goreng tadi masak 1 menit, lalu masukan daun coriander dan daun basil dan tomat,masak 1 menit,masukan asam,beri garam secukupnya,lalu angkat,taburi rampai diatas ikan.

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My Pompom Cupcakes

These cupcakes are not just about looks. My cupcakes are aesthetically pleasing but itÒ€ℒs more than that. I only use quality ingredients. Real butter and real chocolate make a big difference to the taste.

My aim with these cupcakes was to create something a little more practical after my Easter bunnies cupcakes, which were very cute but used some unconventional candies in the decoration.

Pompom Hazel

Vanilla Cupcake with Dark Chocolate Ganache Frosting

Pompom Divine
Vanilla Cupcake with White Chocolate Ganache Frosting


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Happy Birthday Olivia

We celebrated Stu’s mum birthday yesterday at our place, It always nice to have people comes and enjoying my yummo food galore πŸ˜›

The preparations was easy,and no hassel at all, I have my sister helped me with the chicken satay, from the cutting of the chicken thighs right to putting them on the sticks,I was happy with all the foods, especially my Perkedel and my Spicy eggplants and Eggs. My kalio ayam (Padang chicken curry) was nice as well with the tofu,While my chicken satay always been the ultimate dish with the rice cake πŸ˜›

Olivia in the other hand always looks beautiful and classy,also family and friends enjoyed the night and my sister wore a skirt!! πŸ˜€

All smile…

Ms.LD and her passions πŸ˜›

Stu’s parents with some of their friends

Top: Stu maruk | aku dan stu gaya terus
Bottom: Olivia,Twins and Washil | Lysa and her gorgeous sons


Happy Birthday Olivia
xox Stu and Lia

Top: Kevin and Paul | People in patio
Bottom: Stu dividing the cake | Kids enjoying the BACI CHEESE CAKE

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My fav indo dishes

Kemaren dah email2 an ama Liz kalo kita mo kumpul2 lagi sesama ibu2 muda indo bukan istri2 muda ya heheheh.. nah giliran kalo dah kumpul2 enaknya kan makan2 yg emang makanan indo kan? so.. rencana nya sih pingin menu spt yg di bawah ini cuma saat ini cuma gue, liz dan adri doang yg bisa di ajak makan bareng hahaha.. ada sih bbrp temen lizzy yg pingin gue kenal juga, mungkin mrk bisa dteng next time MS lia della cooking cooking-an ha ha ha.

Abis kalo masak2 kan enaknya makan rame2.. so..makan nya lebih nikmat. ha ha ha. so ya rencana nya sih maybe maret kali ya.. πŸ˜›

Top:Lontong sayur,Sambel goreng ati,Ayam goreng
Bottom:Rendang,Perkedel crumbed,Sate ayam a’la LD

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Yummy Pasta

My kids and I adore Jamie Oliver’s cooking show since we lived in Sydney πŸ˜€ for my kids Jaime Oliver is a true chef,for me He is a good chef too and all his foods are easy to make and off course I love his Pomy accent hahahahah πŸ˜€ When he’s on tv we can sit so very seriously watching him cook some delicious and tasty meal.Here is the one that he showed us how to cook a simple pasta.I modified a little change,its still taste divine πŸ˜›

Spaghetti with Mushroom, Chilli and Anchovy top with Rocket Salad and Parmesan
Nga ada duanya deh di tambah extra virgin olive oil.. yumyum.

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